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5 Tips For Preparing For Joint Replacement Surgery

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

  • Being proactive in preparing for your joint replacement surgery will ensure you have the support necessary to make the recovery process more manageable.
  • Preparing for joint replacement surgery will boost your morale and give you the resources to navigate the potential challenges of the process.
  • As you prepare for surgery, follow the advice of your healthcare team, prepare your living space, and find a network of support.
  • Finding the right provider can make an important difference in improving your preparation efforts and your overall experience throughout the joint replacement surgery process.

Joint replacement surgery can feel like an intimidating journey, but it doesn’t have to be. Taking the proper steps to prepare for your procedure can help you reduce some of the stress and maximize your chances of a successful outcome.

Preparing for joint replacement surgery involves taking steps to ensure you are mentally and physically ready for your surgery and that you have a safe and comfortable space to recover. From following the advice of your medical provider to solidifying your support system, there are several steps you can take to promote a successful outcome.

How To Prepare for Joint Replacement Surgery

How you prepare for joint replacement surgery is almost as important as the procedure itself. Proper preparation will ensure you know what to expect from the process and are well-equipped for a smoother recovery. By taking the following steps, you’ll feel better prepared for the best possible outcome.

1. Consult with Your Healthcare Team

The most crucial step when undergoing joint replacement surgery is to follow the advice of your surgical team. They have the expertise to guide you in how to prepare for hip or knee replacement surgery. They’ll also ensure you have a complete understanding of the process so you know what to expect.

Consulting with your healthcare team before surgery provides the opportunity to:

  • Ask any questions you have about surgery or recovering from it
  • Share your medical history
  • Disclose any medications or supplements you’re taking
  • Explain any allergies or dietary restrictions you may have
  • Learn more about the steps you should follow in the weeks and days leading up to your surgery
  • Determine whether any preoperative tests, like blood tests or electrocardiograms, are needed

With all this in mind, having a healthcare team you can trust and feel comfortable discussing your concerns with is crucial. A compassionate and empathetic team can provide valuable support and make the process easier by ensuring your comfort and peace of mind.

2. Prepare Your Home

The recovery and healing process is a significant portion of the joint replacement surgery journey. Having a safe and comfortable home will improve your mindset and prevent you from prolonging your recovery. As you prepare for your procedure, make it a priority to ensure your home is easy to navigate so you can minimize any trouble taking care of your day-to-day activities.

Some steps you can take to prepare your home include:

  • Removing any obstacles or potential hazards from the floor, like cables or throw rugs
  • Ensuring a clear pathway between your recovery area and other rooms in the home
  • Putting important items within easy reach and off of excessively high or low shelves
  • Arranging for any assistance equipment, like crutches or a walker, if needed
  • Having a designated place for essential medications and foods
  • Meal prepping before your surgery so you have ready-made meals after your procedure

3. Focus on Your Overall Health

The body is a cohesive system, so it’s wise to take a holistic approach to caring for it as part of promoting a successful procedure. You can do this by building a routine that accounts for your overall health needs.

Some ways to focus on your overall health before surgery include:

  • Follow a pre-surgery exercise plan – Exercises help strengthen the muscles surrounding your joints and reduce stiffness while promoting blood flow to the surgical area. Following your surgeon’s exercise routine recommendations puts your body in better shape for a smooth recovery and familiarizes you with post-surgery exercises.
  • Maintain a balanced diet – Fueling your body with the right foods goes a long way. Protein and carbohydrates are especially important as your body works to repair and rebuild damaged tissue. Eating right in preparation will give your body the nutrients it needs to handle the stress of surgery and begin working toward your recovery.
  • Discuss supplements & medications with your healthcare team – Some supplements can give your body extra nutrients it may need, while medications may help you manage pain. Meanwhile, others may interfere with your surgery. Be sure to explain all medications and supplements you’re taking to ensure you’re in the best position for surgery.
  • Stay hydrated – Water is essential for supporting our body’s internal processes. Staying hydrated will help you handle the stress of surgery, promote a smoother recovery, and support your body’s overall function as you heal.

4. Plan Your Post-Surgery Support System

Having a support system can make your recovery process much more manageable. A network of family and friends can be there to help you manage some tasks around the home, run errands, and provide transportation to and from the doctor’s office.

  • Discuss with friends and family members who may be able to provide necessary support and when they may be available.
  • Communicate your schedule and appointment dates with your support system in advance so you have transportation in place. 
  • If necessary, consider hiring a home healthcare aide if your friends and family have unavoidable commitments.
  • Keep a list of important contacts and emergency support numbers nearby, and keep your phone close to you.

5. Prepare Yourself Mentally & Emotionally

Surgery can be a stressful experience, so it’s helpful to prepare for managing the potential stress and anxiety. You can start by setting realistic expectations for the recovery process and building a positive mindset around it.

You are likely to feel a sense of relief after your surgery, but you’ll still have to navigate the ups and downs of recovery, like pain and less mobility as you heal. Remember that the challenges are temporary—following the advice of your healthcare provider and their recovery plan will maximize your chance for a successful outcome.

Stay positive throughout the journey and keep your eye on the prize—a life with less pain and improved mobility. Still, staying positive can be easier said than done. 

Some other ways you can prepare yourself include:

  • Seek emotional support through counseling or support groups
  • Plan activities that you enjoy to keep yourself occupied during recovery
  • Minimize the amount of responsibilities you have to handle so you can reduce stress and focus on resting
  • Set goals for your recovery roadmap with your provider
  • Performing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation

Schedule an Appointment with Scottsdale Center for Robotic Surgery

Preparing for joint replacement surgery can be a stressful experience, but careful preparation will take some of the anxiety out of the process and promote a better outcome. Taking steps like caring for your overall health, preparing your home, and choosing the right provider will all facilitate a smoother and more comfortable recovery.

Knowing you’re in the right hands and having the proper guidance can make all the difference. For a provider you can trust, turn to Scottsdale Center for Robotic Surgery. Under the direction of Dr. Shane Martin, we use state-of-the-art technology and advanced surgical procedures to minimize downtime and allow you to return to your normal daily activities. 

We’ll develop a personalized treatment plan catered to your unique needs to provide you with the best possible outcome, all while creating an environment of faith, hope, and healing. Schedule an appointment with us to start your journey to a life with more comfortable joints.