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Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Scottsdale Center for Robotic Surgery (SCRS) features top-rated surgeons in the valley. Our expertise, combined with the latest state-of-the-art technology, allows us to develop personalized treatment plans and ensure our patients receive the best possible outcomes.

At SCRS, under the direction of Dr. Shane Martin, we provide exceptional surgical care to each of our patients while fostering an environment of faith, hope, and healing. Dr. Mark Wang, a board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon with over 15 years of experience, oversees spine surgery at SCRS.

Spine highlighted
Surgeons operating on patient

Dr. Wang has experience treating a wide range of spinal disorders, including those in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. With this experience, he works diligently to provide each of his patients with a comfortable surgical process and confidence in a successful outcome. He has been recognized as Phoenix Magazine’s Top Doctor three times and has won the Vitals Patients’ Choice Award nine times. 

You may be a candidate for spine surgery if you experience any of the following:

  • Constant back pain
  • Pain that radiates to your arms and legs
  • Reduced mobility due to back pain
  • Numbness or weakness in the legs
  • Spinal deformity, like scoliosis
  • Spinal fracture
  • Bladder or bowel issues accompanied by back pain

The Difference Between Traditional and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Compared to traditional spine surgery, minimally invasive spine surgery offers a more comfortable process with less downtime so you can return to your daily routine sooner. Using advanced technology, this surgery allows for smaller incisions when compared to traditional surgery. Smaller incisions mean less damage to the surrounding tissue, less recovery time, and less risk. 

Altogether, some of the benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery include:

  • Less anesthesia required
  • Less pain after surgery
  • Reduced need for pain medication
  • Minor scarring/better cosmetic appearance
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Faster return to daily activities
  • Fewer complications
  • Decreased risk of muscle damage

Spinal concerns can be treated using a variety of methods. Typical treatments include anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, artificial disc replacement, lumbar discectomy, and laminectomy. During a consultation with SCRS, we will determine what type of spine surgery is ideal for you based on your needs.

Why Choose SCRS for Spine Surgery

If you think you may be a candidate for spine surgery, then schedule a consultation with us here at Scottsdale Center for Robotic Surgery.

During the consultation, we’ll work to understand your concerns, determine whether you are a good candidate for surgery, and identify which procedure is best for you. Then, we will create a personalized treatment plan to ensure a smooth process and the safest outcome so you can return to doing the activities you enjoy.

With top-rated surgeons in the valley, SCRS provides all our patients with confidence in a positive outcome by focusing on compassionate care. Thanks to our use of advanced technology and surgical skill, we are able to support patients with minimally invasive procedures that maximize their outcomes and minimize risk. We value very individualized perioperative nursing care, ensuring each patient gets the personalized support necessary for the most comfortable procedure and a quick recovery.

Schedule an Appointment at Scottsdale Center for Robotic Surgery

Minimally invasive spine surgery provides several benefits compared to traditional surgery, especially when you have the support of a board-certified provider. Dr. Mark Wang and the rest of our team at SCRS will work together to address your case with the compassion and care it deserves, ensuring you peace of mind throughout the process.

Our goal at SCRS is to revolutionize the healthcare experience for our patients, combining a patient-centered, compassionate approach with cutting-edge technology. Contact us today at (480) 485-1409 to schedule a consultation and find out if you are a good candidate for minimally invasive spine surgery.