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Hand & Wrist Surgery

Hand & Wrist Surgery

Our team of experts use the latest state-of-art technology and develop personalized treatment plans to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients. Our top-rated surgeons in the valley offer the highest quality service and care, setting Scottsdale Center for Robotic Surgery apart.

Hand surgery graphic
Joint pain

At SCRS, under the direction of Dr. Shane Martin, we provide exceptional surgical care to each of our patients while fostering an environment of faith, hope, and healing. Dr. Brent Schultz oversees hand and wrist surgeries here at SCRS. Dr. Schultz is a Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon with a wealth of experience in hand surgery, wrist surgery, plastic reconstruction, and microsurgery. He uses his expertise to ensure a positive, comfortable experience for each patient.

Signs that you may be a candidate for hand or wrist surgery include:

  • Extreme swelling in your hand joints or wrist
  • Sharp pain when moving your hand
  • Immobility or the inability to use your hand
  • Broken bones in your hands
  • Dark bruising
  • Consistent numbness in your hands or fingers

Advanced Hand & Wrist Surgery

Here at Scottsdale Center for Robotic Surgery, we use the latest state-of-the-art technology to perform safe and effective hand and wrist surgeries. Our surgeons are industry consultants and instructors with a passion for teaching and innovation, helping to pioneer new techniques designed to speed your recovery and get you back to the things you like to do.

During a consultation, Dr. Schultz will assess your concerns and determine whether you are a good candidate for surgery. He will then create a personalized treatment plan designed to provide you with the safest, best possible outcome.

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Schedule an Appointment at Scottsdale Center for Robotic Surgery

Hand and wrist surgery can be complex, so it’s essential to have the proper support and find a hand specialist with the right qualifications. With the trusted expertise of Dr. Brent Schultz and the rest of our team here at Scottsdale Center for Robotic Surgery, you can enjoy complete confidence and peace of mind throughout the entire process.

You can rely on Scottsdale Center for Robotic Surgery to support you with the detailed care and attention you deserve for your orthopedic hand surgery. Our team of skilled surgeons is here to offer guidance and support from the start, all with the goal of providing you the best outcome with the smoothest possible recovery so you can return to your daily routine as soon as possible.

Here at SCRS, we aim to revolutionize the healthcare experience for our patients, using a patient-centered approach with streamlined processes and cutting-edge technology. Contact us today at (480) 485-1409 to learn more about our process for hand and wrist surgery and to find out if you are a good candidate.

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